---Downloaded files--- The import files for: Demo Two were successfully downloaded! Initial max execution time = 30 Files info: Site URL = http://legalizacjedokumentow.pl Data file = /home/art-vending/ftp/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/attorneypress/inc/import/light/content.xml Widget file = /home/art-vending/ftp/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/attorneypress/inc/import/light/widgets.wie Customizer file = not defined! Redux files: attorneypress_theme_option -> /home/art-vending/ftp/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/attorneypress/inc/import/light/redux.json ------ New AJAX call! ------ New AJAX call! ------ New AJAX call! ---Importing widgets--- Blog Sidebar : Поиск - No Title - Widget already exists Свежие записи - No Title - Imported Свежие комментарии - No Title - Widget already exists Архивы - No Title - Widget already exists Рубрики - No Title - Widget already exists Мета - No Title - Widget already exists blog-sidebar : Sidebar does not exist in theme (moving widget to Inactive) Поиск - No Title - Imported to Inactive Рубрики - No Title - Imported to Inactive Облако меток - No Title - Imported to Inactive Practice Areas Sidebar : Practice Areas Listing - No Title - Imported Attorney Details Sidebar : Attorneys Listing - No Title - Imported Footer | #1 : Текст - About AttorneyPress - Imported Footer | #2 : Текст - Business Hours - Imported Footer | #3 : Меню навигации - Practice Areas - Imported Footer | #4 : Текст - Attorney Profile - Imported Max Mega Menu Widgets : Изображение - No Title - Imported Меню навигации - No Title - Imported ---Importing Redux settings--- Redux settings import for: attorneypress_theme_option finished successfully! ---pt-ocdi/after_import--- Slider processed